Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. Do these Instead

I've gotten to the point in my life where I know that I don't need to compare myself to others and one of the things I would tell my younger self is, "relax, everything is going to be Ok". Comparison is what we do when we think our lives are less than desirable. However, it's not the best way to lead through life. So, instead of comparing, try these strategies. Review Rather Than Compare: I check what my counterparts have done or are currently doing. In life, you make decisions based on what's in your purview. For example, If a couple of your former classmates are applying to a certain university abroad or taking a particular certification, it might be wise to look at those opportunities as well and determine whether or not they are for you. It's about maintaining a competitive spirit even though you work at your own pace in life. There is no race or price. Doing this also helps you understand what your real capabilities are. See how far You've Com...