I know for sure that to be the best that I can be, I need to be in an environment that supports my growth! Take plants, for example, they need adequate soil nutrients, water, and sunlight to grow. No matter your potential, you need the right system to bloom. Now, insert Nigeria. Do you think that the Nigerian system can adequately support your growth? No. I'm not anti-Nigeria, but we also need to address the fact that Nigeria needs to do better for all of us citizens. So, what should Nigeria be? However, maybe the right question to ask is, what shouldn't Nigeria be? 1. It should not be a country where a young girl standing at the bus-stop gets shot by a policeman accidentally. Tina Ezekwe was shot by a policeman who was trying to arrest a driver for breaking the law. 2. It should not be a country where a young girl is brutally murdered inside a church building while studying for exams. That happened to Vera Omozuwa. 3. It shoul...