I want to believe many of us have been here. You engage in some very questionable activity and you say to yourself, "I can't believe I just did that" and then you start to feel guilty because it goes against all of the things you believe in. For example, you decide to be celibate till marriage but you end up sleeping with a guy or girl you just met. Or you find yourself bribing your way out of a situation when everyone knows you to be someone of integrity. Well, rather than dwell in guilt, the first thing to do is to examine why you did what you did! Sometimes stressors in one area of our lives show up in other areas. Sometimes we do these things out of curiosity; it's us questioning the tribal and cultural beliefs we were raised with. After you have figured out why you did it, you should examine why you are feeling guilty. Are you feeling guilty because you are struggling to understand why what you did was wrong? Or are you feeling guilty because you know ...