Some Seriously Important Life Lessons from Chimamanda’s Wellesley Speech

Photo credit: In this article, I explore some of Chimamanda's ideas from her 2015 Wellesley address. Original Photo from 1. Your standardized ideologies will not always fit your life because life is messy. In my opinion, this means we should learn to take life has it comes. There are many things in life we cannot control, so we should not try to mend the world to fit our ideals. For example, you cannot always win. That is, going by the mainstream understanding of what winning means. A lawyer can argue as best as he can but the court might not rule in his favour. A doctor can try everything to save a patient’s life and that patient might still die. Hence we must be willing to change our beliefs about everything. Make your ideologies your own. Give your own meaning to things; to winning for example. Perhaps, something that justifies the efforts you put into the work you do; without the need for external validatio...