The Book of Joy is by the Dalai Lama and Arch Bishop
Desmond Tutu. Yes, a Christian and a Buddhist co-authored the book (cue joke about the Christian and the Buddhist who went into a bar; I never get those jokes). Anyway, I am not yet done reading this book but there is a lesson about
togetherness which I think will benefit you, especially if you are dealing with anxiety.
The word used in the book is Ubuntu which I think describes
the idea of community and togetherness. Ubuntu is often translated to mean
"I am because we are".
Growing up, I heard people say "the world is becoming a
global village" a lot. Then, the internet was just becoming and I really didn't
understand the saying. Now I do and quite agree with it.
However, I also think that as much as we are connected to one
another through social media and the internet, in our daily lives we are
increasingly becoming disconnected from one another. Everybody living in the
city (whether it is Lagos or New York) seems to be living singly; facing the
problems of urban living on their own.
The idea of togetherness really is not about becoming
dependent on other people, it is about acknowledging that other people exist in
your immediate environment. More importantly, it is about focusing on our
shared humanity. That is, how similar we are than how different we are.
Ubuntu also helps you to understand that there is no lack of
adversity in our lives and whatever the situation, you can bet that there are
millions of other people in the world in similar situations in that same
There is research to back up the claim that saying we instead
of I can reduce your chances of having a stroke. I mean, can you believe that?
But really, since I learned about this, I have applied it to my 9-5 where I manage a team in a pharmaceutical company. The
truth is that the responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming but now I
don't I say "I have all of these kinds of stuff to do", I use
"we" instead. And this little change is helping me cope with work
Ubuntu is the understanding that in life, synergy is
important. In church today, we were reminded that fulfilling God's purpose for
our lives depends on our interactions with the people in our families and
Liverpool F.C's motto is "you will never walk alone". It's kind of like that line from Maya Angelou''s poem, Our Grandmothers: "I come as one, but I stand as ten thousand."
So I charge you to never walk alone, or at least have that mindset that you are standing as ten thousand.
-Tobi Amokeodo
-Tobi Amokeodo
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