I've come to the conclusion that the ideas I sit on for the longest periods of time are those I don't really believe in. I mean, I could come up with the excuse of not having enough time to do all the things I have to do, but I also know that if something is that important to me, I would make time to do it. Many of us sit on ideas for so long and every now and then, we day-dream about our wonderful ideas. We just dream.
However, until we actually decide to work on our dreams, we are going to remain dreamers. Dreaming is actually expensive bullsh*t. Have you ever sat across some old guy talking about the dreams he never pursued? These kinds of people make me very uncomfortable because when they talk, what I hear are stories of lives they didn't live, stories of things that could have been but never came to be.
I can't overemphasize the importance of chasing the things we dream about.
I know it's easier to dream than to do, because that way, failing is not a possibility.
But it is always better to try than not to try at all.
I know for sure that even if you fail, as long as you keep trying and learning from your mistakes, eventually you will know what doesn't work, which hopefully will lead you to what does work.
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