
Showing posts with the label depression


I don't take the opportunities that I have been given for granted. My parents were middle class but they were self-made, so they trained us to value the privileges we had. As I have gotten older, I have become more conscious of my society and I try to help my community in the little way I can.  If you are in a position to help your fellow Nigerian, I think you should because in our country today, many people still struggle to feed themselves daily. Also, many low-income families cannot afford quality training for their kids and have to settle for government schools that lack the required facilities for learning. However, I urge you to support low-income families with your money, skill or time. I particularly believe that quality education is one of the sure ways to get out of poverty. So, sponsor a child's learning. Your help could be the very thing that determines whether a child becomes a nuisance to the society or a responsible citizen.   Dr. Paul's A

This Is What I have Learned Episode 6

1. Your life’s purpose is to create more meaning in life. That meaning is found through the work you do.  Opinions may differ on this but I know that your purpose is basically that activity that completes you. For me, I am certain that I am here to write.  Period. And your work is usually as simple as that. I have a job; a 9-5 which I am happy about but I am a writer at heart, so I write. 2. I like Maya Angelou’s point of view on living a legacy. According to Maya, "your legacy is in every life you touch." 3. Happiness is not your life’s purpose. I am learning that happiness should not be the main pursuit. We should not chase happiness like nothing else matters. What about fulfillment? What about leaving a legacy?  I am not saying that depression and anxiety should be the preferred state of mind. What I am saying is that there will be times when you will feel less than 100 percent. Just know that there is nothing wrong with you. We all have our moments. 4.   The