Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I see you. I'm wary not to hold your image for too long for fear that you might actually show up in my bedroom. Even though you were my friend, I'm still terrified of ghosts. I left a comment on your last Instagram post which was regarding the ongoing protests against police brutality, ENDSARS, To be honest, I didn't read the caption. The image showed clenched fists and bullet holes, it was loud enough. There were other comments regarding your demise and I had to delete many of the things I wrote to ensure I didn't come across as overzealous. After all, our friendship was electronic. I said I was going to pay you a visit. I say this to a lot of other people too. My aunt thinks I'm keeping a grudge because I haven't visited her in almost two years despite the fact that her house is a 20-minute drive from my place. I swear I'm not a bad person, I just find it easier not to do much on weekends. I wonder ...